We may not like to talk about it openly, but I believe there are many of us who either have struggled or are struggling with some kind of existential crisis. It's uncomfortable to admit or think about, but I believe it's more common than we think.
Some people feel their lives are devoid of purpose or meaning. Others feel they are not wanted. A lot of them feel they are not loved. Because of these reasons, some choose to end their lives.
I've struggled with my own existential doubts. However, something's slowly dawned on me, and this knowledge gave me certitude that I have purpose, I am wanted, and I am loved.
Don't believe me? Take a moment to consider the following.
At the moment you were conceived, your soul was brought into existence by God. While your physical body may be the result of your parents' act of procreation, no human on Earth has the power to create a living and conscious soul. Your soul exists is because it was deliberately created by God. Take a moment to focus on the word deliberately. God deliberately created you.
This can only mean that you were intended to exist. If God did not want you to exist, you wouldn't be reading this right now. You were planned. You are meant to exist. This means that your life has purpose. You are wanted. You are loved.
Allow yourself to rest in that knowledge and give thanks to God, my friends.